I got the flashlight and tried to see if I could find them...wondering if a few close sounding ones got loose, but I didn't see anything but puddles and grass. Bolt sat on the porch, cocking her head and watching me.
The next day, I read in the paper that the same thing happened to a local cops' widow. She woke up hearing sheep outside her window. Well, after looking everywhere for the darn thing, she called her police buddies to see if they would round it up, thinking one must be loose in her yard SOMEWHERE, and it was keeping her awake. They came out and found it under a water cistern. Turns out it was a pretty small "sheep" with a really good cistern acoustic stage to perform from. haha.
The "sheep" was a TOAD! (She had the darn thing arrested and sent to the county prison holding pond for disturbing the peace. heheee... just kidding).
Couche's Spadefoot Toad
(non-poisonous...sounds like a sheep, I imagine coyotes love 'em)
I really thought I'd been in the desert heat too long and was losing it... Wrexie's hearing sheep now. great.
It did make me feel a little better that a cops wife thought the same thing. Poor coppers.... wonder how many "sheep" calls they get? hehe.
OK... I told you kids "lick" the "sheep" to get high. Well, silly me...
I got my 'sheep' mixed up. It's not the 'sheep' toads that they lick... it's the "Jimi Hendrix"Toad.
Sonoran Desert Toad
(poisonous...see the gland behind its eye?)
(not sure what THEY sound like...probably sings like Jimi Hendrix or something)
I think most people out here know about these toads... because if a dog grabs one in its mouth, the toad releases poison from the glad that causes hallucinogenic effects...the dog foams at the mouth and gets violently ill or even dies.
Bad trip.
I read that some people were catching the toads and using the gland to get high....
"magic mushroom toad" I guess. geeze
"The skin secretions have hallucinogenic properties. (Toads are involved in reports of toad licking or the smoking of dried parotoid gland secretions. Some states have passed laws against toad licking, and classify the venom of toads as a controlled substance.)"
I read in one article that they're extinct in Califrornia now...
hmmm...wonder what happened there?
I really hope I don't see flying javelinas next week....

See their little white 'wings' all folded in? ...it could happen out here.
Pink Floyd knew pigs could fly...
Those Javelinas could get mean...I watched them chase a neighbor for her trash...She refused to just drop the trash and let them have it..It was funny...
The flying pig at a Floyd concert scared the crap out of a friend of mine...She was "Under an influence" of some sort...If I see a flying Javelina she is the first person I would call...
your sense of humor is very refreshing. Sheep licker. You've expanded my vocabulary today. Thankyou...
CJ: yeah, I've heard javelinas can be mean...and in that case, I'd rather see them flying.
Warrior: Thanks, but my kids didn't always appreciate it when they got older and realized no one else knew what they were talking about. hahaha...
You couldn't pay me to lick a toad, sorry, lol. But I have seen firsthand what it does to a dog and it's not pretty!!
Hey Mikey...
hahaha... meeee either! Poor dogs, huh? They don't know what hit 'em.
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