Monday, May 2, 2011

Most Wanted...

Thank you... to ALL of our military who have put their lives on the line, and to those who have lost their lives in the good fight to hunt down the evil villains that roam our globe.  Each effort matters.

I love the heartbeat of this country... we'll never stop until justice is served.  It's a big deck of cards... but we shot a lethal hole in the Ace. Good job Seals... and the intel that led you to him.

...and I have to say that those Blackhawk pilots rock... they just do.   Rescue Ninjas, they are...


Coffeypot said...

Those SEALS...usually one shot, one kill. In Osama's case they gave him a double tap. He was worth the extra quarter spent on the shell.

And you can rest assured that SEAL will never have to pay for a beer the rest of his life.

Bob G. said...

Any time is a good time to serve up some JUSTICE.

But in the middle of the night and stone cold seems to work REAL well.

Stay safe out there.

Wrexie said...

Justice doesn't seem to get served often enough...